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constructive 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2025-01-10


  • Implemented construction of R6 objects
  • Implemented construction of zoo and xts objects
  • Implemented "cbind" and "rbind" constructors for matrices
  • Now there’s no need to namespace opts_*() functions if the package is not attached, this mean we can call for instance constructive::construct(x, opts_tbl_df("tribble")) rather than constructive::construct(x, constructive::opts_tbl_df("tribble"))
  • New classes and constructors can now be implemented in your package without importing the package (adding to “Suggests” instead)
  • Added a hex logo

Fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed a display issue in construct_diff()
  • construct_clip() now shows a console message in addition to writing to the clipboard
  • Improved support of data frames, tibbles, and data.tables regarding non syntactic, empty, NA or duplicate names
  • Improved recycling in data frames
  • Implemented support for dates in tribble() calls when calling construct(x, opts_tbl_df("tribble"))
  • Improved support of classed matrices
  • Fixed timestamp precision issue
  • Improved support of "POSIXlt" class
  • Improved encoding support
  • Fixed construction of vectors with numeric_version(), package_version(), and R_system_version()
  • Fixed construction of edge case calls like (`fun<-`)() or (`a b`)()
  • Fixed construction of environments with NULL parents

constructive 1.0.1

CRAN release: 2024-07-07

  • We fixed a typo that was breaking .cstr_new_class(, commented = TRUE)
  • We fixed a bug regarding high precedence infix operators that was breaking deparse_call()
  • “simpleUnit” is considered as a “grid” package class, not a “base” class and we fixed the check for corrupted “simpleUnit” objects
  • The construction of “ScalesList” objects is improved, it failed in some cases
  • The construction of “CoordCartesian” is improved and considers the “default” argument
  • Improved vignette consistency

constructive 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2024-07-02

Internals, extension system, cosmetics

  • The internals have changed quite a bit, and a new extension system has been developed.
  • The vignette “extend-constructive” details it and how constructive works.
  • The package {constructive.example} was updated to reflect the new system.
  • We remove non API calls in the C code, to comply with new CRAN rules.
  • The pkgdown website categorizes the functions so the package can be explored more conveniently (Thanks Maelle Salmon @maelle for the suggestion).
  • The doc was improved overall
  • The README was reworked

New functions

New classes

  • Expression vectors are now supported (For some reason we had missed it!).
  • We implement constructors for the following base R classes:
    • citationFooter
    • citationHeader
    • hexmode
    • octmode
    • person
    • difftime
    • simpleError
    • simpleWarning
    • simpleMessage
    • simpleCondition
    • errorCondition
    • warningCondition
  • We support the class “integer64” from the {bit64} package. It was important because we can’t recreate NA or negative integer64 objects using base R only.
  • We support the class “blob” from the {blob} package.

New features and deprecation

  • Many constructive functions gain the classes argument that generalize construct_dput() and construct_base(), so users can enable or disable the idiomatic construction of some classes.
  • construct_reprex() and construct_multi() gain the include_dotted = TRUE argument so we can optionally disable the construction of objects such as .Random.seed int he global environment or .Class in the execution environment of S3 methods.s
  • construct() and construct_multi() gain the arguments unicode_representation and escape previously used by opts_atomic() and these are now not only applied on strings but also on element names and variable names.
  • We look at the encoding when constructing character vectors, so an UTF-8 “é” is not constructed like a latin-1 “é” anymore. Hopefully this will help some users out of encoding hell faster.
  • opts_tbl_df() gains a justify argument to control the justification of columns with constructor =“tribble”` (Thanks Jacob Scott @wurli for the implementation).
  • The imports and lazydata environments of packages are constructed with parent.env(asNamespace("pkg")) and getNamespaceInfo("pkg", "lazydata"). Before that they were constructed as regular environments.
  • When constructing environments we now lock environments and bindings when relevant.
  • We construct negative zeroes as -0. identical(0, -0)) is TRUE but 1/-0 is -Inf so it made sense to support them.
  • opts_environment() gains a "predefine" constructor and opts_environment(predefine = TRUE) is deprecated. The old way still works but warns and is not documented anymore.
  • In opts_atomic() the arguments unicode_representation and escape are deprecated, use the new opts_character() function or set them in the main function directly instead so they also affect symbols and argument names. The old way still works but warns and is not documented anymore.


  • We solve some operator precedence issues in deparse_call()
  • Named vectors of length 1 are constructed properly
  • Objects are constructed properly if their names have attributes, contain NAs, or are named like c()’s arguments recursive and use.names
  • Circularity is detected when attempting to construct an environment refering to itself with an inappropriate constructor. It now fails explicitly rather than trigger an infinite loop or a low level error.
  • NAs and NaNs are not conflated anymore when compressing double vectors
  • complex numbers are constructed properly regarding the different combination of NA values in their real and imaginary parts.
  • We check for the S4 bit using isS4() and use asS4() when necessary
  • In opts_numeric_version(), opts_package_version() and opts_R_system_version() the incorrectly named “atomic” constructor is replaced by a “list” constructor
  • data frames, data tables and tibbles are now properly constructed when they contain columns that their idiomatic constructors cannot handle, such as “row.names”, or “stringsAsFactors” for data frames.
  • POSIXlt are constructed according to the R version, to account for the changes in R 4.3.0
  • We can construct objects with a “.Data” attribute, this used to fail because structure() has a .Data argument.
  • The default “row.names” attribute is built with the c(NA, -<nrow>) form, as in dput(), this solves some rare corner cases.
  • We fix some issues with raw strings when constructing character vectors
  • We fix some issues with NA, NaN, Inf dates and NULL timezones
  • We fix the environment attribute repair
  • Functions with non syntactic formals are constructed properly

constructive 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-03-05

  • A new debugging tool, the construct_reprex() function, is introduced. It can be called in any function and will construct all variables and arguments where it’s called.
  • construct_multi() now constructs promises, in practice this is useful so we can construct the evaluation environment of a function, including the uneavaluated and potentially NSE args of a function
  • Set options(constructive_print_mode = <character>) where <character> is a vector of strings among "console", script, "clipboard" and "reprex". The default behavior is “console”. See `?constructive-global_options`
  • opts_atomic(escape = FALSE) (the default) now correctly uses surrounding single quotes for strings that contain double quotes and no single quotes.
  • deparse_call() is more robust and gains the arguments escape and unicode_representation that were already present in opts_atomic()
  • The ggplot object generation supports the internal changes of ggplot2 3.5.0, and the resulting construction is nicer.
  • Data frames can be reconstructed when their columns don’t have a data.frame() method
  • The “read.table” constructor for data frames supports the one_liner argument
  • roxygen2 is Suggested (not Imported anymore), the ellipsis dependency is removed
  • formulas have a “next” constructor, useful to see what formulas are at a low level
  • classes with S3 methods for length, [, [[ etc are handled better
  • .env() doesn’t crash anymore when provided a wrong or obsolete memory address
  • Integer vectors are constructed properly when they feature consecutive elements differing by more than .Machine$integer.max
  • Classed objects of types “…” and “externalptr” and are constructed properly
  • S4 construction uses the slot argument rather than the representation arg

constructive 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-13

  • We don’t use {styler} anymore, performance is sensibly enhanced as a consequence.
  • The package works without having {prettycode} installed, but uses it if it’s installed
  • We default to using the magrittr pipe %>% for R versions that don’t support |>
  • NA levels are supported for the classes “factor” and “ordered”
  • Environment construction includes variables prefixed with a dot
  • When we don’t attach the package, we don’t need to use constructive:: in the ... before opts_* functions, for instance we can call constructive::construct(cars, opts_data.frame("read.table")).
  • quote({}) is now constructed as "{ }" rather than "`{`()"

constructive 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2023-06-06

  • First CRAN release
  • construct() generates the code to build an object using idiomatic code, it wraps the lower level .cstr_construct() S3 generic.
  • We currently support 66 classes/types: “array”, “AsIs”, “atomic”, “classGeneratorFunction”, “classPrototypeDef”, “classRepresentation”, “constructive_options”, “CoordCartesian”, “CoordFixed”, “CoordFlip”, “CoordMap”, “CoordMunch”, “CoordPolar”, “CoordQuickmap”, “CoordSf”, “CoordTrans”, “data.frame”, “data.table”, “Date”, “default”, “dm”, “dots”, “element_blank”, “element_grob”, “element_line”, “element_rect”, “element_render”, “element_text”, “environment”, “externalptr”, “FacetWrap”, “factor”, “formula”, “function”, “ggplot”, “ggproto”, “grouped_df”, “labels”, “language”, “Layer”, “list”, “margin”, “matrix”, “mts”, “numeric_version”, “ordered”, “package_version”, “pairlist”, “POSIXct”, “POSIXlt”, “quosure”, “quosures”, “R_system_version”, “rel”, “rowwise_df”, “S4”, “Scale”, “ScalesList”, “simpleUnit”, “tbl_df”, “theme”, “ts”, “uneval”, “vctrs_list_of”, “waiver” and “weakref”.
  • A set of functions prefixed with opts_ can be used to choose various constructors and apply parameters to tweak the output.
  • A special constructor named “next” can be used to fall back on the next .cstr_construct() method. This is useful to explore objects at a level one step lower than the idiomatic constructor.
  • When a corrupted object is encountered the next method is used.
  • Users can extend the package using a set of exported functions prefixed with .cstr_, a vignette describes how to proceed.
  • construct_issues() is used without arguments to check what were the issues encountered with the last reconstructed object, it can also be provided a specific constructive object.
  • construct_diff() highlights the differences in the code used to produce 2 objects.
  • construct_multi() constructs several objects from a named list,
  • construct_dump() is similar to base::dump(), it’s a wrapper around construct_multi() that writes to a file.
  • construct_signature() constructs a function signature such as the one we see in the “usage” section of a function’s help file. outputs the code produced
  • deparse_call() is an alternative to base::deparse() and rlang::expr_deparse() that handles additional corner cases and fails when encountering tokens other than symbols and syntactic literals .

constructive 0.0.1

  • {constructive} produces code that can be used to recreate R objects. In a sense it is similar to base::dput() or base::deparse() but {constructive} strives to use “natural” constructors (factor for factors, as.Date() for dates, data.frame() for data frames etc), in order to get output readable by humans.