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This is a simple wrapper for convenience, construct_clip(x, ...) is equivalent to print(construct(x, ...), print_mode = "clipboard") (an idiom that you might use to use the clipboard with other functions). For more flexible printing options see ?constructive_print_mode.


  data = NULL,
  pipe = NULL,
  check = NULL,
  unicode_representation = c("ascii", "latin", "character", "unicode"),
  escape = FALSE,
  pedantic_encoding = FALSE,
  compare = compare_options(),
  one_liner = FALSE,
  template = getOption("constructive_opts_template"),
  classes = NULL



An object, for construct_multi() a named list or an environment.


Constructive options built with the opts_*() family of functions. See the "Constructive options" section below.


Named list or environment of objects we want to detect and mention by name (as opposed to deparsing them further). Can also contain unnamed nested lists, environments, or package names, in the latter case package exports and datasets will be considered. In case of conflict, the last provided name is considered.


Which pipe to use, either "base" or "magrittr". Defaults to "base" for R >= 4.2, otherwise to "magrittr".


Boolean. Whether to check if the created code reproduces the object using waldo::compare().


By default "ascii", which means only ASCII characters (code point < 128) will be used to construct strings and variable names. This makes sure that homoglyphs (different spaces and other identically displayed unicode characters) are printed differently, and avoid possible unfortunate copy and paste auto conversion issues. "latin" is more lax and uses all latin characters (code point < 256). "character" shows all characters, but not emojis. Finally "unicode" displays all characters and emojis, which is what dput() does.


Boolean. Whether to escape double quotes and backslashes. If FALSE we use single quotes to surround strings (including variable and element names) containing double quotes, and raw strings for strings that contain backslashes and/or a combination of single and double quotes. Depending on unicode_representation escape = FALSE cannot be applied on all strings.


Boolean. Whether to mark strings with the "unknown" encoding rather than an explicit native encoding ("UTF-8" or "latin1") when it's necessary to reproduce the binary representation exactly. This detail is normally of very little significance. The reason why we're not pedantic by default is that the constructed code might be different in the console and in snapshot tests and reprexes due to the latter rounding some angles, and it would be confusing for users.


Parameters passed to waldo::compare(), built with compare_options().


Boolean. Whether to collapse the output to a single line of code.


A list of constructive options built with opts_*() functions, they will be overriden by .... Use it to set a default behavior for {constructive}.


A character vector of classes for which to use idiomatic constructors when available, we can provide a package instead of all its classes, in the "{pkg}" form, and we can use a minus sign (inside the quotes) to exclude rather than include. By default we use idiomatic constructors whenever possible. The special values "*none*" and "*base*" can be used to restrict the idiomatic construction to the objects. See construct_dput() and construct_base() for wrappers around this feature.


An object of class 'constructive', invisibly. Called for side effects.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }