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Set these options to tweak {constructive}'s global behavior, to set them permanently you can edit your .RProfile (usethis::edit_r_profile() might help).


  • Set options(constructive_print_mode = <character>) to change the default value of the print_mode arument, of print.constructive, where <character> is a vector of strings among the following :

    • "console" : The default behavior, the code is printed in the console

    • "script" : The code is copied to a new R script

    • "reprex" : The code is shown in the viewer as a reprex, the reprex (not only the code!) is also copied to the clipboard. Note that if the construction fails the reprex will too, and it might happen often when constructing environments since reprex opens a new session.

    • "clipboard" : The constructed code is copied to the clipboard, if combined with "reprex" this takes precedence

  • Set options(constructive_opts_template = <list>) to set default constructive options, see documentation of the template arg in ?construct

  • Set options(constructive_pretty = FALSE) to disable pretty printinh using {prettycode}