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These options will be used on atomic types ("logical", "integer", "numeric", "complex", "character" and "raw"). They can also be directly provided to atomic types through their own opts_*() function, and in this case the latter will have precedence.


  trim = NULL,
  fill = c("default", "rlang", "+", "...", "none"),
  compress = TRUE



Additional options used by user defined constructors through the opts object


NULL or integerish. Maximum of elements showed before it's trimmed. Note that it will necessarily produce code that doesn't reproduce the input. This code will parse without failure but its evaluation might fail.


String. Method to use to represent the trimmed elements.


Boolean. If TRUE instead of c() Use seq(), rep() when relevant to simplify the output.


An object of class <constructive_options/constructive_options_atomic>


If trim is provided, depending on fill we will present trimmed elements as followed:

  • "default" : Use default atomic constructors, so for instance c("a", "b", "c") might become c("a", character(2)).

  • "rlang" : Use rlang atomic constructors, so for instance c("a", "b", "c") might become c("a", rlang::new_character(2)), these rlang constructors create vectors of NAs, so it's different from the default option.

  • "+": Use unary +, so for instance c("a", "b", "c") might become c("a", +2).

  • "...": Use ..., so for instance c("a", "b", "c") might become c("a", ...)

  • "none": Don't represent trimmed elements.

Depending on the case some or all of the choices above might generate code that cannot be executed. The 2 former options above are the most likely to succeed and produce an output of the same type and dimensions recursively. This would at least be the case for data frame.


construct(iris, opts_atomic(trim = 2), check = FALSE) # fill = "default"
#> data.frame(
#>   Sepal.Length = c(5.1, 4.9, numeric(148)),
#>   Sepal.Width = c(3.5, 3, numeric(148)),
#>   Petal.Length = c(1.4, 1.4, numeric(148)),
#>   Petal.Width = c(0.2, 0.2, numeric(148)),
#>   Species = factor(c("setosa", "setosa", character(148)))
#> )
construct(iris, opts_atomic(trim = 2, fill = "rlang"), check = FALSE)
#> data.frame(
#>   Sepal.Length = c(5.1, 4.9, rlang::new_double(148)),
#>   Sepal.Width = c(3.5, 3, rlang::new_double(148)),
#>   Petal.Length = c(1.4, 1.4, rlang::new_double(148)),
#>   Petal.Width = c(0.2, 0.2, rlang::new_double(148)),
#>   Species = factor(c("setosa", "setosa", rlang::new_character(148)))
#> )
construct(iris, opts_atomic(trim = 2, fill = "+"), check = FALSE)
#> data.frame(
#>   Sepal.Length = c(5.1, 4.9, +148),
#>   Sepal.Width = c(3.5, 3, +148),
#>   Petal.Length = c(1.4, 1.4, +148),
#>   Petal.Width = c(0.2, 0.2, +148),
#>   Species = factor(c("setosa", "setosa", +148))
#> )
construct(iris, opts_atomic(trim = 2, fill = "..."), check = FALSE)
#> data.frame(
#>   Sepal.Length = c(5.1, 4.9, ...),
#>   Sepal.Width = c(3.5, 3, ...),
#>   Petal.Length = c(1.4, 1.4, ...),
#>   Petal.Width = c(0.2, 0.2, ...),
#>   Species = factor(c("setosa", "setosa", ...))
#> )
construct(iris, opts_atomic(trim = 2, fill = "none"), check = FALSE)
#> data.frame(
#>   Sepal.Length = c(5.1, 4.9),
#>   Sepal.Width = c(3.5, 3),
#>   Petal.Length = c(1.4, 1.4),
#>   Petal.Width = c(0.2, 0.2),
#>   Species = factor(c("setosa", "setosa"))
#> )
construct(iris, opts_atomic(trim = 2, fill = "none"), check = FALSE)
#> data.frame(
#>   Sepal.Length = c(5.1, 4.9),
#>   Sepal.Width = c(3.5, 3),
#>   Petal.Length = c(1.4, 1.4),
#>   Petal.Width = c(0.2, 0.2),
#>   Species = factor(c("setosa", "setosa"))
#> )
x <- c("a a", "a\U000000A0a", "a\U00002002a", "\U430 \U430")
construct(x, opts_atomic(unicode_representation = "unicode"))
#> Warning: `unicode_representation` and `escape` are deprecated in `opts_atomic()`
#>  Set those in `opts_character()` instead for the same effect
#>  Set those directly in the main function (e.g. `construct()`) to apply them on both character vectors, symbols and argument names
#> c("a a", "a a", "a a", "а а")
construct(x, opts_atomic(unicode_representation = "character"))
#> Warning: `unicode_representation` and `escape` are deprecated in `opts_atomic()`
#>  Set those in `opts_character()` instead for the same effect
#>  Set those directly in the main function (e.g. `construct()`) to apply them on both character vectors, symbols and argument names
#> c("a a", "a a", "a a", "а а")
construct(x, opts_atomic(unicode_representation = "latin"))
#> Warning: `unicode_representation` and `escape` are deprecated in `opts_atomic()`
#>  Set those in `opts_character()` instead for the same effect
#>  Set those directly in the main function (e.g. `construct()`) to apply them on both character vectors, symbols and argument names
#> c("a a", "a a", "a\U{2002}a", "\U{430} \U{430}")
construct(x, opts_atomic(unicode_representation = "ascii"))
#> Warning: `unicode_representation` and `escape` are deprecated in `opts_atomic()`
#>  Set those in `opts_character()` instead for the same effect
#>  Set those directly in the main function (e.g. `construct()`) to apply them on both character vectors, symbols and argument names
#> c("a a", "a\U{A0}a", "a\U{2002}a", "\U{430} \U{430}")