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These options will be used on objects of class 'integer64'.


opts_integer64(constructor = c("as.integer64", "next", "double"), ...)



String. Name of the function used to construct the object, see Details section.


Additional options used by user defined constructors through the opts object


An object of class <constructive_options/constructive_options_integer64>


Depending on constructor, we construct the object as follows:

  • "as.integer64" (default): Build the object using as.integer64() on a character vector.

  • "next" : Use the constructor for the next supported class. Call .class2() on the object to see in which order the methods will be tried.

  • "double" : We define as an atomic vector and repair attributes.

We don't recommend the "next" and "double" constructors for this class as they give incorrect results on negative or NA "integer64" objects due to some quirks in the implementation of the 'bit64' package.