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These options will be used on objects of class 'date'.


  constructor = c("as.Date", "as_date", "date", "new_date", "as.Date.numeric",
    "as_date.numeric", "next", "atomic"),
  origin = "1970-01-01"



String. Name of the function used to construct the object.


Should not be used. Forces passing arguments by name.


Origin to be used, ignored when irrelevant.


An object of class <constructive_options/constructive_options_Date>


Depending on constructor, we construct the object as follows:

  • "as.Date" (default): We wrap a character vector with as.Date(), if the date is infinite it cannot be converted to character and we wrap a numeric vector and provide an origin argument.

  • "as_date" : Similar as above but using lubridate::as_date(), the only difference is that we never need to supply origin.

  • "date" : Similar as above but using lubridate::date(), it doesn't support infinite dates so we fall back on lubridate::as_date() when we encounter them.

  • "new_date" : We wrap a numeric vector with vctrs::new_date()

  • "as.Date.numeric" : We wrap a numeric vector with as.Date() and use the provided origin

  • "as_date.numeric" : Same as above but using lubridate::as_date() and use the provided origin

  • "next" : Use the constructor for the next supported class. Call .class2() on the object to see in which order the methods will be tried.

  • "atomic" : We define as an atomic vector and repair attributes

If the data is not appropriate for a constructor we fall back to another one appropriately.